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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Modeling the Sacramento Daylight (Nos.53 & 54)

This is the 6th article in my Passenger Train Consist series.  These blog posts are intended to show a smaller prototype passenger train that can fit on most model railroads in their entirety or with minimal reduction of a few redundant car types.  I also want to show trains that have special interest because of switching en route between terminals.  The Sacramento Daylight fits both of these goals.

SP 2485 wearing San Joaquin insignia on her skirts stops the 1941 SJD at Fresno, Photo Eddie Sims Collection.

Previous articles include: SP's Shasta, SP's Owl (Part 1), SP's Tehachapi Mail (Nos.55/56), & SP's 1949 Starlight.

History of the Sacramento Daylight

SP 3176, the only 60-CB-1 repainted into Daylight for the Sacramento Daylight.  Soho 60-CB-1 probably
(Photo J.Hill 2011, modeler unknown)

The Sacramento Daylight (Nos. 53 & 54) were planned as as a direct connection for day passengers between Los Angeles and the state capital at Sacramento.  The basic train was an short haul mail train with a combine for local passengers between Sacramento and Tracy (not Fresno).  The new connecting cars started operating with the inaugurated in July of 1941 of the Oakland to Los Angeles San Joaquin Daylight (SJD) (Nos. 51 & 52).

Operations at Lathrop

Lathrop Wye on Google Maps (Dec 2016) with notes by Jason Hill

Lathrop was a small station which was the junction point of the San Joaquin Valley line, connecting via the Mococo Line to Oakland and the line to Sacramento.

The eastward Sacramento Daylight (No.54) would depart Sacramento to arrive about 30 minutes before the eastward San Joaquin Daylight (No.52) at the SP Station of Lathrop to work the mail.  The engine of No.54 would cut away from the connecting cars for No.52 and run around the wye and the through cars, returning from the North behind the through passenger cars.  The through cars would be pulled off the rear of No.54 and pulled around the wye, returning to the South end of the depot to wait for No.52. No.52 arrive stopping at the station to exchange mail and any passengers, allowing No.54's engine to pull out and shove the connecting cars to the rear of No.52, south of the depot.  No. 52 would then depart with the combined train Sacramento-LA cars via Fresno and Bakersfield to Los Angeles.

Slightly corrected map, with notes for No.52 and No.54's arriving and departing routes.

The engine of No.54 would couple again to the remains of the Sacramento Daylight's mail train consist and would continue to west Tracy before returning later in the day to Sacramento as No.53, connecting with No. 51 at Lathrop on the return trip.  (Yes, the Sacramento Daylight was directionally challenged according to the Employe Timetable! No.54 was "Eastward" Sacramento to Lathrop and Tracy.  No.53 was "Westward" Tracy to Lathrop and Sacramento.)  At Lathrop, No. 51 simply drops the Sacramento cars east of the wye in the open field and heads around to the south side of the wye and the depot at Lathrop.

Later in the day, the westward SJD (No.51) would drop off the cars for the Sacramento Daylight (No.53) before continuing to Oakland.

Consist & Changes

The consist of Nos.53 & 54 in 1941 was the whole rear of the SJD, including the tavern and parlor cars.  It was felt that the use of the parlor cars was excessive for the few first class passengers traveling to Sacramento.  The SP 3176, 60-CB-1 class, combine was used for local passengers.

The two Taverns 10310 & 10311 were delayed joining the new Sacramento & San Joaquin Daylight service by two months, entering service in Sept 1941.

Consist Changes in 1942

The Sacramento Daylight went through several changes in consist very quickly after it was inaugurated in July 1941.

SP 3000, one of two rebuilt A-6 4-4-2s painted for service on the Sacramento and Oakland Daylights, Model by WSM/Mizuno.

SP 90-C-class tender used by the A-6s painted in Daylight colors, Model by WSM/Mizuno

Sample Consist

The Sacramento Daylight consisted, late 1946:

SP 3000 or 3001 (4-4-2) A-6 class Atlantic
1. SP 5118 or 5119 70-BP-15 class RPO-Baggage (Sac-Tracy)
2-3. Two or Three SP baggage cars (mostly 60-B-series cars or 70-B-series Harriman cars) -  (Sac-Tracy)
4. SP 3176 Tracy-Sac 60-CB-1 Combine in Daylight paint -  (Sac-Tracy)
** (Cut point for Sac-LA transfer cars at Lathrop)
5. SP 10310 or 10311 77-T-1 Lunch Counter-Tavern car (Started in Sept'41) - (Sac-LA)
6-9. Two to four SP Articulated Chair Cars or SP 2487/2488/2492/2493 79-C-2 Chair car as needed.  - (Sac-LA)
10. SP 2950 or 2951 77-PRO-1 Parlor-Obs (Off by August 1946) - (Sac-LA)

Left side of Unpainted SP 10310 & 10311 Lunch Counter - Taverns 77-T-1, between 1937 and 1950/1947 respectively

In January 1942, the 1939 Articulated Diners were assigned to the SJD and Lunch Counter-Taverns SP 10310 & 10311 were assigned replacing the single unit diners (SP 10200 & 10201) and coffee shops (SP 10400 & 10401) on the SJD.

Postwar Changes in 1946 and 1947

Left side of unpainted Soho SP 10200 & 10201 Diners

In 1946, the articulated diners returned to the Noon Daylight and the SP 10200 & 10201 returned to the San Joaquin Daylight along with the Coffee Shops 10400 & 10401.  The SP 10310 and 10311 stayed with the SJD and Sac Daylight assignment in 1946.

After only a few months, the Parlor Observations (SP 2950 & 2951) running to Sacramento were discontinued by August 1946, due to poor ridership for such a premier service.  The straight parlors (SP 3000 & 3001) were operated between the Baggage-Chair and the first chair car in the Oakland section of the train.

However this all changed in 1947 when the combined San Joaquin Daylight hit a gasoline truck at Kingsburg, California at 45 MPH south of Lathrop.  The resulting spray of gasoline and fire heavily damaged the involved San Joaquin Daylight consist.  A train of protection of the heavyweight protection and extra equipment was put together the following days to resume service while the damaged cars were repaired.

The straight Parlor cars (SP 3000 & 3001) which had been part of the consist running to Oakland were removed from the San Joaquin Daylights at that time. The undamaged Parlor and Parlor Observation from August 1946 went into extra pool and protection service for the Coast Daylight's Parlor and Observation cars.

Rebuilt SP 10311 reappeared in 1948 as full Taverns, minus two of the center windows to the right of the door.

The SP 10311 was rebuilt in 1947 from the Kingsburg wreck as a full Tavern, similar to the two 77-T-2s and the 79-T-1s built in 1938 and 1939.  The rebuilt SP 10311 returned to service in 1948,  The SP 10310 was also rebuilt to a full Tavern in 1950.  Both cars were used in the Daylight Protection Pool to cover for the 77-T-2 and 79-T-1 Taverns on the Coast Daylight, Starlight, and SJD in 1949.  During the 1946-1949 era the Tavern was coupled between the leading two sets of articulated chair cars on the Oakland-LA San Joaquin Daylight section.

The SP 10200/10201 (diner) and 10400/10401 (coffee shop) continued on the San Joaquin Daylight on and off until replaced by the triple-unit 10250-10252 and 10253-10255 1939 sets came off the Noon Daylight in Oct 1949.  The 10400/10401 continued on the Sacramento Daylight connection as the first through car until the 3-unit diner replaced it and ended food service on the Sacramento Daylight section of the run.

Typical August 1946-October 1949 consist of the San Joaquin roughly uses the following arrangement between Lathrop and LA:

(Oakland-LA consist, via Lathrop) - No.52/51 return
1. 30ft RPO-Baggage (RPO apartment forward) (5069/5070/5124 protection)
2. Baggage-Chair (3300/3301)
3. / Chair (Artic) \ *1937, 1939 built articulated chair cars
4. \ Chair (Artic) /
5. Tavern (10310/10311) *Coffee Shop/Tavern until rebuilt after 1947 wreck in 1950 and 1948 respectively.
6. / Chair (Artic) \
7. \ Chair (Artic) /
8. Diner (10200/10201, or sometimes HW protection diner in Daylight paint used at various times when LW diners working other assignments.)
(Sacramento-LA consist, via Lathrop) - No.54/53 return
9. Coffee Shop (10400/10401)
10. / Chair (Artic) \
11. \ Chair (Artic) /
12. / Chair (Artic) \ * Seasonally operated as needed, or single chair if only one needed.
13. \ Chair (Artic) / * Seasonally operated as needed

The post-wreck Sacramento Daylights connecting cars dropped to only one set of Articulated Chair cars on the regular LA-Sac assignment.  During peak traffic seasons an additional single chair car (77-C-3 or 79-C-2) would be added, or sometimes a second Articulated Chair if it was available.

Sacramento Daylight (Nos.53/54) Post-Wreck Consist (1947-1956)

Engine Choices:

SP 3000 & 3001 - A-6 class (1941-1949/50)

SP 3000, one of two rebuilt A-6 4-4-2s painted for service on the Sacramento and Oakland Daylights, Model by WSM/Mizuno.

SP 90-C-class tender used by the A-6s painted in Daylight colors, Model by WSM/Mizuno

The first two A-6 conversions (3000, 3001) were assigned to the new Sacramento Daylight in 1946 and were being replaced on Sacramento Daylight assignments around 1950 when the two A-6s were retired.  After the A-6s were replaced, P-8 & P-10 class 4-6-2s and even the occasional MT-1/3/4/5 class 4-8-2 were found from time to time.

A side note: the 3002 & 3003, also rebuilt to A-6 classification, were not used as far as I know on the Sacramento Daylight.

SP 2470's & 2480's P-8 & P-10 class (1950-1955/56)

SP 2486 Deskirted and painted black was a regular on Nos.53 & 54 until 1956.  Photo & Model by John Ruehle

The three SP streamlined P-10s for San Joaquin Daylight service in 1941, were handed down to other assignments in 1946 when the SP assigned five Mt-class engines (4350, 4352, 4353, 4361 & 4363) to the San Joaquin Daylight with Daylight colors painted on their cabs and tenders.  The 2484, 2485, 2486 eventually were seen regularly on the Sacramento Daylight, painted black after 1950.

Other P-8 and P-10 class engines were also used on the Sacramento Daylight during the 1950s.

70ft Baggage RPO with 15ft Apartment

PSC model of 70-BP-15-4 with wrong number - Photo from Ryan Dora Collection

The Sacramento Daylight usually had a 70ft RPO-Baggage, SP 5118 or 5119 were photographed quite often in this service between Fresno and Sacramento.  These two cars were 70-BP-15-6 class RPO-Baggages with a 15ft Mail Apartment space.  This apartment size was the smallest that the US Post Office rented.  The 5118 and 5119 were also rather unique among the SP's RPO-Baggages in that they had two baggage doors on each side, instead of the regular one per side of most other 70ft RPO-Baggages.  This was the case with many short-haul RPO assignments connecting between other RPO routes.

Brass models of 70-BP-15-5/6 can be bought made by PSC or The Coach Yard.  I plan to do a blog on kitbashing a 70-BP-15-6 series car from a 60ft MDC/Athearn Harriman Baggage car and some extra pieces from one of the MDC/Athearn 60ft RPO kits to lengthen the model to 70ft and also put in the RPO door and a pair of closely spaced windows on each side.  I have already done this with a kitbash to make a model of T&NO 196, a class 70-BP-4.

Soho 70-BP-30, which is the same car that Golden Gate Models plans to release in 2017.

The Golden Gate Models 70ft RPO-Baggage (70-BP-30) could be used in a sever pinch, but a Southern Car & Foundry #1001 model of a 69-BP-30-2/3 would make excellent stand-in models if the other brass models are out of reach.

SP 5199, from SC&F #1001 kit

I would avoid the MDC/Athearn 60ft Harriman RPO in this case, as the prototype for it would really "over qualified" for this sort of local train service.  SP's 60ft cars were in high demand during the early 1950s on the transcontinental service mail trains.

Upcoming 3d print for 70-BP-15-5/6/7 class kitbash from OwlMtModels.

I've been working on writing up a way to kitbash a proper 70-BP-15-5/6/7 using new kitbashed parts, which will become available from OwlMtModels.  Unfortunately, I've not had the time to proof the first prints on my pilot kitbash model yet (August 25, 2020).

Baggage Cars

SP 6236, an old MDC/Athearn 60ft baggage car 60-B-9/10 class after repainting to proper Dark Olive Green

Another 60-B-9/10 class car, SP 6233, also an MDC/Athearn model with detail and painting upgrades.

Usually the Sacramento Daylight had two or three SP baggage cars, mostly 60-B-series cars or 70-B-series Harriman cars, in the consist.  My blog post Upgrading the MDC/Athearn 60ft Harriman Baggage Cars from October 2016 cover some of the basics of these models.

SP 6444 painted in the post-1946 scheme, made from a Soho model

Golden Gate Models is scheduling a release of plastic 70-B-series baggage cars in 2017.  Southern Car & Foundry also makes this class of car in resin as kit #1002.  I have built a similar resin RPO from SC&F here SP 5199 (Part 1) which covers construction of the kits.

Local Passenger Combine

SP 3176, 60-CB-1 by Soho, custom painted. (Photo J.Hill, modeler unknown)

SP 3176 Fresno-Sac 60-CB-1 Combine in Daylight paint, this was the regular car in the Sacramento Daylight from 1941 until the mid-1950s.  Soho imported these cars in brass, which are still possible to find if you know what you're looking at.

A reasonable stand-in could be made from an MDC/Athearn 60ft Harriman Combine as SP 3177 in Dark Olive Green, some of these models have been made factory painted in Daylight colors as SP 3176.  However the windows are the "wide" version, found on early Harriman coaches, not the "paired" windows found on later Harriman coaches and the 60-CB-1 combines.

Connecting Chair Cars to the San Joaquin Daylight

Artic-Chair Car, LA-Sac, 64-ACM/ACW-2

SP 2448, 66-ACW-2 (even numbers) - MTH Model

SP 2447, 66-ACM-2 (odd numbers) - MTH Model

Usually the connecting cars to LA would be one pair of articulated chair cars in the SP 2477-2483-series.  Any articulated chair car could be assigned or even a pair of single chair cars if an articulated set was not available.  Personally I prefer the MTH cars to model these Articulated Chair cars, I cover some basic on my blog post Upgrades and Mechanical on MTH Daylight Cars.  BLI has also produced models of the same car.

Shopping Cars

The chair cars running between LA and Sacramento could also be cars from LA heading for shopping at Sacramento as long as there was a car available at Sacramento or coming out of Oakland to replace it on the next trip to LA.  This might include cars painted for the Golden State or Sunset Limited in addition to Daylight cars.

An example of a 77-C-3 chair car that was repainted into Golden State colors in October 1952, Athearn-Genesis model.

Extra Chair Car

SP 2439, 79-C-1 - MTH Model

SP 2487, 2488, 2492, 2493 made up the pool of 1941 assigned San Joaquin Daylight single unit chair cars and SP 2439, 2440, 2485, 2486 were assigned to the Coast Daylights.  However after the Daylight pool was combined in 1946, any of these cars could be seen on either route.

The End of Steam

SP 2486 with 120-C-8 tender, a baggage car, and SP 3176 waiting for No.51 connection at Lathrop. Eddie Sims Collection.

By 1955 and 1956 the head end traffic on the Sacramento Daylight had dropped off to the point the consist was down to only a 4-6-2 Pacific, a baggage car, and the 60ft combine as we see here above at Lathrop waiting for the connecting chair cars off of No.51, the San Joaquin Daylight.  Thanks to Eddie Sims for the use of this photo from his collection, photographer unknown.

John Ruehle's SP 2486 is modeling this mid-1950s appearance of the P-10.  Photo & model by John Ruehle.

Again, a WSM/KTM model of a skylined P-10 Pacific that's been deskirted, as it would appear in the mid-1950s.  Thanks to John Ruehle for sending me this photo of his excellent work for this post.

Baggage-Express Car

A kitbash from MDC/Athearn Harriman parts from about 1996, redecaled and upgraded mechanically

The baggage car in this photo is a bit too far away to read the number on, but it's one of the SP's rebuilt 69ft or 70ft ex-RPOs, which was downgraded to baggage-express service, such as my SP 6102 in the photo above.


SP 3176, the same Soho model as I discuss above. (photograph 2011, JRH collection)

Again, it's our friend SP 3176 taking care of the local passengers.  SP 3176 was retired in 1959.

Chair Cars

SP 2486 with 120-C-8 tender, a baggage car, and SP 3176 waiting for No.51 connection at Lathrop. Eddie Sims Collection.

In the above photo, the connecting cars from the San Joaquin Daylight from LA have not arrived yet, so we can't know what those cars would be this day.  I can say that they would probably be an articulated pair of chair cars as mentioned in the 1947 consist above.

SP 2475 today with No.54 at Lathrop preparing to tack the chair cars onto the LA-bound No.52. - Eddie Sims collection

In the photo above the rear two connecting cars are a articulated set of chair cars.  Note the markers on the rear wall of the vestibule of what will be the trailing chair car on the eastward San Joaquin Daylight.

Diesel Era

The Sacramento Daylight continued into the diesel era with a 'Torpedo boat" GP9 or FP7 doing the honors, the single baggage car continuing for several more years and eventually the consist dropping to a single silver and red chair car at the end.

In Closing

That covers what I have at this time for Modeling the Sacramento Daylight.

SP 2450 with Tomar Adlake Markers installed on the rear wall of the articulated chair car for rear-end operations of San Joaquin Daylight or Sacramento Daylight.

I plan to do another post focusing on the San Joaquin Daylight, which may have to be in several parts due to it's scope.  I would highly recommend anyone interested in learning more about the Sacramento Daylight by Paul Chandler to order the back issue of SP Trainline No.112 (Summer 2012) and Forty Minutes at Lathrop Trainline No. 72, (Summer 2002) by Mike Jarel, photos by Robert Hale which tells all about how the switching operations were done at Lathrop and more wonderful photos of the train in various places.  Pick up a back issue for more on the San Joaquin Daylight - SP Trainline No. 117 (Fall 2013) in which Don Munger covers the topic in much more detail than I could hope to cover in my blog.

Jason Hill

Related Blog Posts & Links:

SP Trainline, No.117, Fall 2013 - San Joaquin Daylight - by Don Munger

SP Trainline, No.72, Summer 2002 - Forty Minutes at Lathrop - by Mike Jarel, photos by Robert Hale

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kitbashing SP 2-8-0 (Part 1) - Overview of C-8/9/10 with OMM Conversion Parts

This is a quick overview of the engine numbers for SP C-8/9/10 class engines.  The exact details of the running boards, piping, fittings, etc on these engines varied over the years, so this is not a specific detail checking spreadsheet roster (yet), but more an overview guide to help the modeler find what engine they wish to model.

OwlMtModel's announcement of the conversion kit for HO scale Bachmann-Spectrum 2-8-0

OwlMtModels is taking reservations for a new project to kitbash Bachmann-Spectrum 2-8-0s into 90+% stand-ins for SP's C-8/9/10 class engines.  I should mention that the cylinders are very close to the same as used on SP's smaller C-class engines (C-1/2/3/4/5), except that the Bachmann engines drive will not lend itself easily to being 'shortened' in height, as that would involve the spacing of the toothed belt drive and machining the frame and boiler weights.  If a modeler wishes to use the parts to make one of the other smaller C-class as a looser stand-in, then by all means do so.

Several friends have approached me about getting roster data, and possibly some photos together to help modelers wishing to do this kitbash a better idea what cylinder variations and engine numbers to look into.

Cylinder Options & The Sheedy By-Pass System

Four options of cylinders for OwlMtModels' 2-8-0 conversion kit.

During the 1911-1920s  a special 'drifting valve' system called the "Sheedy By-pass Valve" were used on a large number of SP engines across multiple wheel arrangements.  However by the 1920s it seems that many problems plagued the Sheedy-Bypass system.  (I've also seen it spelled "Sheedie", so sorry if I slip on consistency here!) - Also some of my research from about 4 years ago some how introduced 'Speedie' or 'Speedy' into the mix.  However after doing a US Patent search, it is pretty clear that Patrick Sheedy patent was granted in the 1911-1912, which expired in 1929.

Unfortunately, the SP never seemed to really have any rhyme or reasoning behind which engines received which version of cylinder block or if the engine was fitted with cylinder end-covers or if they were left off.

One thought I have reflecting on this after finding the patent dates for the Sheedy system is that many of the SP's 2-8-0s were built with other cylinders in the 1900-1910 time frame, possibly the engines rebuilt with piston valves before 1912 received the 'plain' type cylinder blocks and engines rebuilt later received the 'Sheedy By-Pass' type cylinder blocks.  Much more research will be needed to try to nail down why certain engines received the By-Pass type cylinders, while sister engines did not have it.

Grand Canyon 539 with her cylinder jackets off shows what the internals of the plated over Sheedy Bypass looks like.

Close up of the Grand Canyon Rwy 539's cylinder block. both 2018 photos by Jason Hill 

Closeup of SP 2564's plated over Sheedy By-pass valves - OMM's 4014. Note blower feed valves above cylinder. - Eddie Sims collection

The majority of the problems seem to be the valves sticking and allowing the power stroke to be vented out the stack instead!  This kills 25% of your cylinder strokes per driver revolution.  The SP went so far as to issue field instructions to engine crews to determine which by-pass valve was sticking, based on the exhaust out the stack, etc.  The instructions even include what happens if you get TWO by-pass valves sticking!  The instructions state that if both valves on one side of the engine are sticking, there is no way to determine in the field if the problem is a result of both valves on that cylinder being stuck.... or if the packing glands on that piston have been blown out.

Q&A in the 1910 LFEM Vol 48, with a long explination of the Sheedy By-Pass system - Q&A # 1126 - Google Books search result.

The 1910 Locomotive Fireman & Engineer's Magazine (Volume 48, page 803) covers a Q&A with a long explanation of how to trouble shoot problems with the Sheedy By-Pass system.  (I'm not sure why the patent for this system was applied for in 1911-1912, but they're already referring to it as the 'old system' in the article. - Perhaps the 'old version' was an early version of the system, or that I found a 'later' patent for the 1911-1912 era.)

By the late 1920s, photos show the Sheedy By-pass Valves are removed and the triangular openings in the cylinder blocks are plated over.  These cylinder blocks with their distinctive 'bulged' sides stayed on most of the engines so fitted until their were scrapped.  Obviously, once they were plated over they caused no further problems or expense that would justify casting a new set of cylinder blocks.

Prototype Information on Classes & Notes

This is the list of photos from books that I'm using to make my modeling notes.  I might spend some time creating a spreadsheet with this info and expanding to other books ans sources as well.  The photos in this post are all from Eddie Sims collection.

Notes on photo reference books:
*A = Jeff Ainsworth SP Steam Series Vol.21 + Page #
*B = Jeff Ainsworth SP Steam Series Vol.3 + Page #
*C - Jeff Ainsworth SP Steam Series Vol.31 + Page #
*D - Rod Crossley's Chasing the SP in CA - 1953-1956 +Page #
*E - John Hungerford & Harold Stewart - SPHTS's Southern Pacific Golden Empire 1954-1958 +Page #

C-8 Class

SP 2718 with 100-C-series tender (WSM), forward blowdowns, 4010 cylinders. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2694-2751 - 58 Engines

Many of this group were superheated.  A number were sold off to UP and others leased to NWP or SPdeM.  The remainder stayed assigned to the SP Pacific Lines.  The UP modelers may wish to look into modeling the 350-class.

Engine History of Note:

SP 2694 sold to UP #350 2-15-10
SP 2695 sold to UP #351 3-5-10
SP 2696 sold to UP #352 3-9-10
SP 2697 sold to UP #353 3-27-10
SP 2699 sold to UP #355 2-24-10
SP 2701 Leased to SPdeM 4-22-48 to 6-2-48
SP 2705 Leased to SPdeM 4-2-51, sold to FdelP 625 12-21-51
SP 2708 Leased to NWP 7-20-34 to 10-25-51 Vac 5-15-52
SP 2711 Leased to SPdeM 4-11-49, Sold to FdelP #626 12-21-51
SP 2714 leased to SPdeM 3-14-44 to 8-16-48
SP 2716 Leased to SPdeM 10-16-51. Sold to FdelP 627 12-21-51
SP 2719 leased to SPdeM 3-7-51 sold FdelP #628 12-21-51
SP 2720 sold to SD&AE 104 3-25-21, returned to SP 5-21-41. Re-#SD&AE 104, 9-48.  Vac 10-18-54, donated to Railway Historical Society of San Diego displayed at Del Mar, CA 5-56-56. Moved to PSRMA, Campo, CA 7-83.
SP 2726 sold to UP #356 4-8-10, also repainted for UP 356 during worlds fair St. Louis 1905
SP 2732 leased to NWP 4-25-50 to 12-17-52, Vac 1-22-53.
SP 2734 fitted with Worthington 3-B FWH 7-26-23 at Sparks
SP 2737 sold to UP #357 4-11-10
SP 2738 sold to UP #358 4-8-10
SP 2743 SPdeM 12-29-38 to 5-18-42 sold to FdelP #629 12-21-51
SP 2744 sold to UP #354 4-12-1910
SP 2750 reclassified as C-10 August 1929 Tuscon, AZ.

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

SP 2704 90-R-7 tender, 1937 LA - *B37
SP 2705 90-R-7 tender 1940 RV - B-38\
SP 2724 90-R-7 tender mar 13,53 LA - Stan Kistler photo - 4010 cylinders, high running boards, simple pilot & steps, rear blowdowns. *B43
SP 2730 Left Tracy Yard March 18, 1956 John Hungerford - 4013 cylinder, 120-C-7 tender. *D36
SP 2734 left LA, CA - June 9,51 - FWH, 90-C-series (Bachmann), 4010 cylinders. *C31
SP 2734 Left & Left Rear SLO-Guadalupe June 14, 1956 - Rod Crossley - 90-R-7 tender, 4010 cylinders. *D50 & *D51
SP 2740 Left Bakersfield, CA Late 1930s - 72-SC-series tender, high old headlight on Smokebox, 4014 cylinders. *C33
SP 2745 Alturas,CA Late 1930s, 4014 cylinders, 100-C-1/2 tender *C35
SP 2745 Eugene, OR July 24,54 - 4013 cylinders, 100-C-1/2 tender *C36

SP 2746 with 90-R-7 tender (Bachmann with OMM 4017 conversion), 4013 cylinders, rear mounted blowdowns. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2746 Oakland, CA Nov 10,56 - 4013 cylinders, 90-C-series (Bachmann) *C37
SP 2746 LAGS, CA Feb 22, 1954 - Rod Crossley - 4013 cylinders, 90-C-tender (Bachmann)
SP 2746 left front Taylor Yard, CA April 16, 1954 - Rod Crossley - 4013 cylinders, 90-C-tender (Bachmann)
SP 2749 LA, CA early 1950s - 4013 cylinders 100-C-1/2 tender *C39
SP 2750 BS, CA sept 11,39 - 4014 cylinders, 100-C-series tender *C40
SP 2750 Bakersfield, CA Jan'53 - 4010 cylinders, 100-C-1/2 tender, elbow stack. *C41
SP 2750 Lancaster, CA July 2, 1953 - Rod Crossley - 100-C-1/2 tender, 4013 cylinders elbow stack, rear blowdowns. *D166

C-9 Class

Pre-1946 SP 2564 with 70-C-10 tender (Sunset), 4014 cylinders, new Sunbeam HL. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2513-2599 - 86 Engines

Built between 1-1906 and 7-1907 at Baldwin (oddly in roughly reverse order to their numbers!)

Engine History of Note:

SP 2513 Leased to SPdeM 1-10-46 to 4-4-49, leased to NWP 10-31-49 to 5-16-53, Vac 9-24-58
SP 2514 Leased to NWP 8-5-36 to 11-19-51
SP 2517 Leased to NWP 2-5-50 to 11-21-52, Vac 3-19-53
SP 2519 Leased to SPdeM 10-20-43 to 5-15-44, sold to FdelP #617, 12-21-51
SP 2520 Leased to SPdeM 3-11-48 to 6-4-48, Vac 11-10-53
SP 2523 Sold to SD&AE #103 3-17-21
SP 2524 Leased to NWP 2-27-50 to 6-13-53, Vac 9-19-55
SP 2525 Leased to SPdeM 12-29-38 to 6-8-45, Vac 2-26-54
SP 2527 Leased to NWP 2-27-50 to 12-31-51 Vac 12-10-57 Fresno
SP 2529 Leased to SPdeM 4-3-51 Sold to FdelP #618 12-21-51
SP 2530 Leased to NWP 8-19-37 to 8-10-53, Vac 9-2-54
SP 2531 Leased to NWP 6-5-46 to 2-26-52, Vac 9-19-55
SP 2534 Leased to SPdeM 12-29-38 to 4-21-39, Leased to OUR&D 3-13-42 to 10-9-44, Vac 2-7-57
SP 2535 Leased to NWP 7-24-34 to 10-6-51, Vac 12-28-51 Bakersfield
SP 2541 Leased to NWP 7-30-52 to 7-30-53, Vac 11-24-54
SP 2544 Leased to SPdeM 1-24-44 to 12-13-44 Vac 10-6-54
SP 2548 Leased to SPdeM 2-8-46 to 5-20-46, Vac 2-8-55
SP 2550 Leased to SPdeM #606 4-22-24, Re# SP 2550 5-28-42 returned 6-3-42, Vac 4-20-54
SP 2551 Leased to NWP 12-11-49 to 11-3-50, Vac 1-22-53
SP 2552 Leased to SPdeM #607 4-21-24, Re# 2552 5-29-42 returned 6-3-62, Vac 10-29-53
SP 2555 Leased to SPdeM 4-4-51, Sold FdelP #619 12-21-51
SP 2556 Leased to NWP 2-17-50 to 6-25-51, Vac 6-25-54
SP 2559 Leased to SPdeM 4-4-51, sold FdelP #620 12-21-51
SP 2560 Leased to SPdeM 4-4-51, sold FdelP #621 12-21-51
SP 2561 Leased to NWP 8-6-36 to 9-27-50, Vac 8-31-51
SP 2564 Leased to NWP 8-6-50 to 8-31-53, Vac 12-23-53
SP 2566 Leased to NWP 7-10-34 to 11-10-35, Vac 9-27-56
SP 2570 Leased to SPdeM 1-8-46, Sold to FdelP #622 12-21-51
SP 2571 Leased to NWP 2-25-50 to 9-24-51, Vac 3-19-53
SP 2573 Leased to NWP 8-18-37 to 3-14-46, Leased to SPdeM 3-19-46 to 11-9-50, Vac 1-4-51
SP 2578 Leased to SPdeM 12-20-43 to 4-28-44, Vac 10-17-51
SP 2579 Vac 5-2-57 W.Oakland, donated to Klamath Falls OR 9-8-57
SP 2580 Leased to NWP 6-10-39 to 4-19-46, Vac 6-26-52
SP 2582 Leased to NWP 6-12-39 to 8-31-53, Vac 9-24-58 Fresno
SP 2587 Leased to SPdeM 2-18-44 to 7-7-44, Vac 11-14-56 WO
SP 2593 Leased to NWP 10-27-47 to 5-13-50, Vac 1-18-57 WO FWH 6-27-23 Sac, off 6-28-48 Tib
SP 2594 Leased to SPdeM 1-2-39 to 9-25-44, Leased again 4-21-48, sold FdelP #623 12-21-51
SP 2599 Leased to SPdeM 5-29-50, Sold to FdelP #624 12-21-51

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

Pre-WWII SP 2532 with 90-R-1/2 tender, large barreled HL, no blowdowns, 4011 cylinders. Note whited yoke. Eddie Sims collection

SP 2513 left front Jan,54, Burlingame, CA - Barry Anderson photo & collection - reversed S-dome & bell, 4010 cylinders, rear blowdowns, Athearn-Genesis 120-C-6 tender, stepping forward running boards from high to mid, like Bachmann engine. *B11
SP 2516 Left RV, CA, Sept 1,40 - Allan Youell photo - 4014 cylinders, 100-C-1/2 tender *B12
SP 2521 Right SF, CA 1954 - Doug Richter photo, Alden Armstrong collection - 120-C-2 tender, low running boards, with very low boards around cylinder pipe. *B13

SP 2527 with 100-C-series tender (WSM), 4010 cylinders, forward blowdowns. No visor on the headlight. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2527 Left - 100-C-1/2 4010 cylinders, Eugene, OR, 1949 - Dick Wolfe photo, Alden Armstrong collection,. *B14
SP 2534 Left June'55 - Rod Crossley - 70-C-9, 4010 cylinders. *D24

SP 2547 with 70-C-9 tender (Sunset), 4010 cylinders, forward blowdowns. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2547 with 70-C-9 tender, 4010 cylinders, forward blowdowns. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2550 left side Nov1,52 El Paso, TX - Brian Leppert collection (OMM 4011 cylinders, both shots - Rear blowdowns, 100-C-series tender, fwd cab window!) *A10
SP 2550 right side Oct 30,53 Modesto, CA - Guy Dunscomb photo - Brian Leppert collection *A11
SP 2551 left side Aug 30,49 Port Chicago, 100-C-series tender, OMM 4010 cylinders - Brian Leppert collection *A12
SP 2552 left front Jan 27,52 Bakersfield, CA - Brian Leppert collection - 4013, FWH, a/c right side, fwd blowdowns, 100-C-tender, front tool box, fwd cab windows, Elbow deflector, *A13
SP 2552 left front Mar11,53 Portland, OR - Paul Koehler collection - 4013, FWH, a/c right side, rear blowdowns, fwd cab windows, 120-SC-tender, no smk deflect. *A14
SP 2553 left 1954 Oakland, CA? - Cliff Wagner collection - 4013, pump left, elbow smk deflector, 100-C-1/2 tender, fwd blowdowns. *A15
SP 2554 right front 1954 Bay Shore - Doug Richer photo - Alden Armstrong collection - 4010 cylinders, fwd power reverse, aft pointed, 90-C-series tender - low walkways. *A16
SP 2555 right side, Feb 14,47 LA,CA - Frank Peterson, Robert Kern collection. - Old headlight, 70-C-9 tender (switcher, clear-view type), rear blowdowns, left a/c, fwd power reverse, aft pointed. - Sold to FdelP #619 12-21-51. *A17
SP 2556 right front Late 1930s, LA, CA - Gerald M Best photo, Paul Koehler collection - old headlight, 4014 cylinders (Sheedy-plated & covers), 90-R-7 tender (OMM 4017 conversion), fwd cab windows, no indicators on brackets, no blowdowns yet. *A18

SP 2557 with 4010 cylinders, 90-C-series tender (Bachmann). - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2557 leading a freight 4010 cylinders, 90-C-series tender (Bachmann). - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2557 left front June 26,40 Mojave, CA - Lewis Harris photo, Robert Kern collection - 4014 cylinders (Sheedy-plated & covers), 90-C-series tender, left a/c, large old headlight, covered fwd cab window, no blowdowns yet. *A19
SP 2557 left front  1949 LA,CA - Robert Kern collection - elbow smk deflector, 4010 cylinders (no covers, plain block), 100-C-series tender, rear blowdowns, Sunbeam HL. *A20
SP 2557 Right Front July'54, SLO - Barry Anderson photo & collection - 4010 cylinders, 100-C tender, etc. *B21
SP 2557 - left front SLO June 4, 1953 - Rod Crossley - 4010 cylinder, 100-C-series tender. *D35
SP 2562 - Left West Oakland Feb 3, 1956 - Rod Crossley - 4010 cylinder, 100-C-series tender. *E17

SP 2582 with a dirty 100-C-1/2 tender (Balboa Mk-5/6), 4013 cylinders, mid-rear blowdowns. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2582 Right Front Jan 2,55 Bakersfield,CA - John E. Shaw, Jr. photo & collection - 4013 cylinders, 100-C-1/2 tender (Balboa with Andrews trucks), fwd mounted power reverse, aft pointed. *A46
SP 2582 Left Front Aug 12,56, Fresno,CA - John E. Shaw Jr. photo & collection - 4013 cylinders, flat running board, high mounted, rear blowdowns, 100-C-1/2 tender still in use, pressed stl switcher pilot with footboards front and rear. *A47

SP 2583 with 90-R-1/2 tender, probably 4010 cylinders, weird spacing of cab numbers. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2583 Left Rear - SLO,Ca April'54 - Rod Crossley - 90-R-1/2 tender, 4010 cylinders (probably). *D41
SP 2583 Left Front - LA, CA 1942 - Gerald M. Best, Paul Koehler collection - C-type tender, low running boards, short stack, no blowdown mufflers, 4010 cylinders. *A48
SP 2583 Right Front - Bayshore, CA 1954 Doug Richter photo, Alden Armstrong collection, 4011 (covers removed), 90-R-1/2 tender blowdowns installed, Standard tall stack. *A49
SP 2583 Left Side - Fresno, CA July 4, 1955 John E Shaw, Jr photo & collection - (same technical data as Doug Richter photo *A49) *A50

SP 2592 with 73-SC-series whaleback tender, 4011 cylinder, forward blowdowns. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2592 Left Rear - SLO, CA Jan 29, 1954 - Rod Crossley - 72-SC-whaleback tender with rear footboards, 4010 cylinder, forward blowdown. *D34, *D31
SP 2593 Left Rear - SLO,Ca April'54 - Rod Crossley - 70-C-9 tender, 4010 cylinders *D41

SP 2599 with 4011 cylinders, 70-C-9 tender (Sunset). Note the gondola with lumber behind the tender. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2752-2830 (2nd) - 78 Engines

Earlier SP 2757 with low front running boards, 4010 cylinders, & 90-C-series tender (Bachmann) - Eddie Sims collection

Engine History of Note:

Many of these engines were the second engine to carry this number after 1901.  All were superheated during the 1916-1922 years.  Some had Worthington 3-B FWHs (SP 2758, 2787, & 2789 had Worthington 3L-B FWH) installed in the 1920s and many were removed in the early 1952-53 timeframe.  Various engines were leased to NWP or SPdeM over the years.

SP 2799 FWH *B55
SP 2803 FWH *B57

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

SP 2752 Right front Nov'54, SJ, CA - Barry Anderson photo & collection - 4010 cylinder, 100-C-series tender, lightly stepping front running boards, simple pilot, fwd blowdowns, no fwd cab windows. *B48 *D19
SP 2754 Calexico, CA Jan 12, 1956 - Harold Stewart - 4013 cylinder, 100-C-series tender. *E192 (color)

Later SP 2757 with 70-C-9 tender (Sunset), 4011 cylinders with covers, forward mounted blowdowns - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2757 LA,CA Jan'49 - 70-C-9 tender, 4011 cylinders, low front running boards around cylinder pipes. *C45
SP 2757 BS,CA 1954 - 90-C-tender, 4010 cylinders, low front RB around Cylinder pipes. *C46
SP 2758 BS April 23,53 Left side - 90-C-tender (Bachmann) 4010 cylinders, (steam dome cover off while being shopped). *C47
SP 2758 BS Aug 16,53 Right side 90-C-tender (Bachmann) 4010 cylinders *C48
SP 2760 Left & Right photos July'55 & early'56 LA & BS 70-C-9 tender, 4010 cylinders *C51 & *C52
SP 2777 Left front April'54 San Mateo, CA - Barry Anderson photo & collection - 4010 cylinders, Athearn-Genesis 120-C-6 tender, rear blowdowns. *B53
SP 2784 - SLO May 1954 - Rod Crossley - 90-R-7 tender, 4011 main cylinder, 4010 piston valve covers (cross between 4010/4011 cylinders), forward blowdown, *D33, D31
SP 2791 - SLO Oct'53 - Rod Crossley - 100-C-1/2 tender, 4010 cylinder. *D33

SP 2803 with 4010 cylinders, 100-C-series tender, rear blowdowns - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2803 - SLO roundhouse 1953 - Rod Crossley - rear of tender shown 90-C-tender (Bachmann).  *D19

SP 2827 leads a freight west past the depot at Bakersfield.  Eddie Sims collection

SP 2827 - Bakersfield, CA Sept'55 - 90-C-tender (Bachmann), 4013 cylinders. *B58
SP 2827 - Left side - Fresno, CA June'56 - Rod Crossley - 4013 cylinders, 90-C-tender (Bachmann), forward blowdown. *D192
SP 2827 - Right front - Fresno, CA 2-784 - Rod Crossley - 4013 cylinders, 90-C-tender (Bachmann) double head with 4308. *D189
SP 2829 - Front - SLO-Guadalupe - Rod Crossley - 4013 cylinders, 90-R-7 tender *D50, *D30, *D19

SP 2858-2860 - 3 Engines

These three engines were ex-Arizona Eastern 671, 672, & 668 respectively.  For more information, see Diebert & Strapac's Southern Pacific Steam Locomotive Compendium.  Vacated 8/53, 4/54, 9/54 respectively.  SP 2860 was leased to SPdeM 1/47-6/48.

C-10 Class

SP 2834 working a Suntan Special to Santa Cruz. - Eddie Sims collection

SP 2831 (2nd) - 2836 (2nd) - 5 Engine

This group was built in 1911 and was superheated between 1917 and 1920.

2832 (2nd) Leased to SPdeM 3-2-47 to 12-21-51, returned to SP and vacated 3-31-52.

2834 (2nd) had Worthington 3-B FWH mounted 2-3-23 and removed 10-8-51.

2836 (2nd) was leased to NWP from 6-18-43 to 9-28-43.

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

SP 2836 Tender rear SLO,  1953 - Rod Crossley - 90-C-tender (Bachmann) probably.  *D19

SP 2837 (3rd) - SP 2838 (3rd) - 2 Engines

These two engines came from Arizona Eastern as their #669 & 670 respectively in 1924.  Both were fitted with Worthington 3-B FWHs in 1927.  SP 2837 had its FWH removed on 3-11-54 at Bay Shore.

SP 2839 (2nd) - SP 2857 - 8 Engines

These engines were built using boilers from other SP engines or new boilers built at SP Shops during 1917 and 1918 to avoid being assigned USRA engines.
Previous boilers used include: 2530, 2588, 2702, 2750, 2710, 2654, 2685, 2673, & 2564.  Three boilers were built at Ogden.

Five engines (2839, 2847, 2850, 2852, and 2854 had Worthington 3-B FWH's added in 1923-1924.  The 2850 and 2852 had the FWH's removed in 1953 and, 2854 had its FWH removed in 1951.

SP 2842 was leased to NWP from 3-25-1950 to 8-31-1953 before being vacated from the roster on 10-6-54.

SP 2843 & 2844 were sold to SD&AE as 105 & 106 in 1921.  The SD&AE 106 was leased back to the SP in 1940 and relettered as SP 2844 on 5-22-1941 in LA.  Then back to SD&AE on 10-11-48 and repainted back to #106.

SP 2849 was leased to SPdeM on 10-26-51 and sold to SPdeM on 12-21-51 to become FdeP 636.

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

SP 2845 - Bakersfield, CA - Rod Crossley -  (2-photos) - 100-C-tender, 4010 cylinders, rear blowdowns. *D175
SP 2850 - LA,CA Unk date - 100-C-1/2 tender, 4010 cylinders. *B62
SP 2851 - Bakersfield, CA Dec 30, 1953 - Rod Crossley - 100-C-1/2 tender, elbow smoke deflector. *D169 *E125

SD&AE 2-8-0 - 2 Engines New

SD&AE 101 & 102 were built in 12-1914 and leased to the SP in 1917 until 1919 as SP 2837 (2nd) & 2838 (2nd) before returning to the SD&AE.

SD&AE 103 (ex-SP 2523) C-9 class
SD&AE 104 (ex-SP 2720) C-8 class

SD&AE 105 (ex-SP 2843 - See above)
SD&AE 106 (ex-SP 2844 - See above)

Engine Photos with Modeling Notes

SD&AE 103 Left front - Near Glendale CA, Aug 2, 1940 - Otto Perry photo Denver Public Library - 4014 cylinders, 90-C-tender.
SD&AE 103 Left side SLO Aug 22,1953 - Rod Crossley - 4010 cylinder, 90-C-tender (Bachmann) *D13
SD&AE 103 rear right - SLO Rod Crossley -  90-C-tender (Bachmann) *D62, *D19
SD&AE 103 rear left - SLO Rod Crossley - 90-C-tender (Bachmann), 4010 cylinders *D34 & *D35
SD&AE 103 Left side - SLO - Harold Stewart - 4010 cylinder, 90-C-tender (Bachmann) *E156
SD&AE 105 Right side LA Feb 26, 1956 - Harold Stewart - 4010 cylinder probably, 100-C-tender

T&NO C-class

The T&NO also had 2-8-0s of the C-8 & C-9 classes.  The C-8 class engines were built in 1904, followed by the C-9 class engines in 1905, 1906, and 1908.

C-8 Class - T&NO 800-807 (8 Engines)

T&NO 800, 803, 805 received FWH ~1925.
T&NO 802 Sold to SPdeM #601, 2-3-1950.

C-9 Class - T&NO 808-857 (50 Engines)

T&NO 808, 810, 813, 916, 817, 827, 830, 833, 836, 839, 843, 845 FWH on ~1925.
T&NO 833 FWH off at Houston 11-16-47

T&NO 828 Sold to UP 332, 9-13-1910, Re# 6332, Vac 6-58
T&NO 831 Sold to UP 333, 9-13-1910, scrapped 1937
T&NO 850-857 to PL 2-1910, sold to UP in 8-1910 becoming UP #324-331.

Photos of T&NO Engines

T&NO 812 photo in SP Steam Compendium - Diebert & Strapac from 1947 at Houston with 4014 cylinders with covers and 70-C-series tender with wide bunker (MDC-Vandy).
T&NO 818 Houston, Oct 1939 - Ainsworth SP Steam series Vol 31 Pg57.
T&NO 822 Franklin, Louisiana, May 1942.- Ainsworth SP Steam series Vol 31 Pg58.
Jeff Ainsworth's SP Steam series Vol 21 also has photos of T&NO 808-838 series.
825 Late 1938 Galveston TX? - 4011 cylinders 90-C-series tender (Bachmann) pg7
829 Sept 1938 Enright TX - 4014 cylinders, 70-C-series (MDC) pg8
838 Late 1930s Houston TX - 4011 cylinders, 70-C-10 (Sunset Models) pg9

In Closing

OMM 4013 cylinders & 4012 rods prototypes installed on a Bachmann starting to make an SP C-class with brass FWH

I'll be doing a couple more posts along this line as these models from OwlMtModels come in and work through the conversion building one.

Related Articles:

Modeling SP Road Switchers (Part 1) - Small Steam Engines

SP Tender Swapping (Part 1)

Kitbashing a 70-C-9 tender from MDC 'Vandy' Tender - by Jake Abel