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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Modeling X29 (Part 2) - PRR 100305 - Ex-Battery Car

This X29 started as a Red Caboose "Gray Battery Car" in MW Gray for PRR.  I started on it probably around 2004.

I started this Red Caboose X29 kit by repainted from a Gray Battery Car MW version.

This was to be the first of three X29s that I was going to build from the Battery MW kits.  I got started on this one and painted it a rough guess at PRR FCR probably around 2005. 

I started this Red Caboose X29 kit by repainted from a Gray Battery Car MW version.

The decals are some that I picked up years ago from Speedwitch,  I'll be using the rest of the decals to do the next Battery Cars when they come to the top of the construction que.

PRR 100305 with over-weathering of the lettering.

The original version of this car as I did it, I really over-weathered the decals on the car, circa 2008, so around 2020 I de-weathered the lettering with a fiberglass brush from P-B-L.  I was able to keep from damaging the decals for the most part.  I expect to put a finishing dullcote layer over the car when I'm done with the details.  Then I can do any chalk marks, etc that I need to do.

Deweathered lettering on X29 repaint with fiber-brush.

Gluing the roof on also resulted in some glossy glue squeeze out, so the future dullcote should help that issue too.

Finishing Up The Details

In April 2024, I weighted the car by added two sections of 2"x 1"x 1/16" lead sheet, one at each end, bonded in with RTV silicone rubber.  This allows the door to be open and not show the weights, unless the car is being viewed from 1/3 or more towards the ends.

PRR 100305 X29, with the door open.

Now that the weights are in, I can proceed with the rest of the detail part installation: grab irons, stirrups, roof corner grabs, brake rods, etc.  The brakewheel popped off and has been in the box for several years, I plan to drill a 0.015" hole in it and into the hand brake gear box.  This hole will mount the wheel with a brass wire.  I plan to do this on any of my freight cars which start shedding their brakewheels.

Repainting the Door... Again

I've repainted the 'replacement' door on the car with some Barn Red paint from Apple Barrel better matched PRR FCR to match the unassembled PRR 100813 kit that I bought in the last couple years.  While not perfectly matched, it's the freshest paint on the 100305, so "close enough" applies.

In Closing

PRR 100305 & 100813 - filthy & clean X29s.

For now that will cover what's happened with this model.  The PRR 100813 kit is coming along too, so I'll be covering it's assembly in the next part of this series.

Jason Hill

Related Articles:

Modeling X29 (Part 1) - PRR 100813 Basic Construction

NYC "Standard" Steel Boxcars by BLI (Part 1) - Another Signature Freight Car - Competing design from the NYC for the "Standard" boxcar.

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