I've restructured the pages of the blog to have several index pages. As the number of blogs and pages have grown, the date-based structure of finding blog posts is getting too complex. So it's time to make some simple Index Pages, branching out to link to the other blog posts and pages. I'm going to try to keep this index up to speed with links when I'm publishing new blog posts on the following topics.
Consist Photo Analysis
Consist Photo Analysis (Part 1) - 1962 Lone Pine Local at Bartlett - And maybe backdating to 1949-1954...
Consist Photo Analysis (Part 2) - 1950 Owenyo Local at Little Lake - Very cool photo of SP 2751 leading the local past the small platform-station at Little Lake with the Hotel and village in the background.
Consist Photo Analysis (Part 3) - 1940 circa Owenyo Local - An interesting view of an all boxcar train with RPO-baggage and coach arriving at Owenyo.
SP Freight Cars
Modeling SP Flatcars Index
SP F-40-7 (Part 1) Stand-in for WWI Emergency Flatcar - SPMW 810 Ready Flat
SP 140234 (Part 1) - F-50-16 Kitbashing
OwlMtModels F-50-Series Modeling Post Index (too many to list here, go to this link, then to the articles).
SP 65ft Mill Gondola (Part 1) Overview - SP 94296, SP 160023, SP 160550, etc G-70-4/6/9 - Athearn R-T-R models, also covering other RR's 65ft gondolas sold by Athearn BB. 06-07-2022
SP 65ft Mill Gondola (Part 2) - Upgrading SP 160550, G-70-9 with Tangent Trucks - Option for improving the look of the basic car with more correct 70-ton trucks for the class.
Modeling SP 94248 - G-50-14 (Part 1) - Upgrading a 1990s Kitbash - Proto2000 gondola shortened and modified to be an SP G-50-14 drop-end mill gondola.
SP 45752 Ex-EPSW 40ft Ballast Gondola - Kitbash Conversion. 05-07-2022
Modeling SP Boxcars Index
Steel & Composite Automobile Boxcars
Steel Boxcars with Wood-Sides (Composite) Box Cars
Future Article - Modeling SP B-50-series Boxcars (Part 5) - B-50-13/14 from Accurail or resin kits
Modeling SP 32451 (Part 1) - Sunshine B-50-15 - Basic assembly
Modeling SP 32451 (Part 2) - Working on Sunshine B-50-15 Resin Kit - Continuing assembly.
SP/T&NO B-50-15/16 Boxcars (Part 2) - Arrival & Review of Rapido Models
SP 15469 (Part 1) - Lettering Changes & Backdating Rapido B-50-15
SP 15469 (Part 1) - Lettering Changes & Backdating Rapido B-50-15
All Steel Box Cars
SP Pre-War Boxcar (Part 1) B-50-18/19/20/21/23 classes
SP Post-War Boxcars (Part 2) B-50-24/25/26/27/28/29 classes
SP Cabooses
SP Cabooses (Part 1) - Ex-Coaches - 60-C-series conversions in 900-series
SP Cabooses (Part 2) - Wood Cabooses - C-30-1/2/3 steel frame, wood bodied cabooses
SP Cabooses (Part 3) - Steel Cabooses - C-40-1/2/3 all-steel cupola cabooses
SP Cabooses (Part 4) - Ex-Boxcar Cabooses - B-50-6/9 1937-WWII conversions
Future Article - SP Cabooses (Part 5) - Bay Window Cabooses - C-40-4/5/6 - Early Steel Bay Window Cabooses
Modeling SPMW Cars
SP Work Trains - Maintanence-in-the-Way

Kitbashing Mystery SPMW 215 (Part 1) F-50-series Flatcar (Lone Pine Outfit) - with Extra Gang Outfit
SP Supply Trains (Part 5) - SPMW 229 Supply Flat Car with Side Boards
SP Supply Trains (Part 6) - SPMW 2681 - Repaint & Decal
SP Supply Train (Part 7) - 1945 Consist info From Ken Harrison's SPMW Book
SP Supply Trains (Part 6) - SPMW 2681 - Repaint & Decal
SP Supply Train (Part 7) - 1945 Consist info From Ken Harrison's SPMW Book
SP Supply Train (Part 8) - Revisiting Modeling Supply Boxcars - Updates to Modeling SP Supply Trains (Part 3)
SP Supply Train (Part 9) - Upgrades for Supply Boxcars - Installing new "Man-Doors" from OwlMtModels #1077
SPMW 7021A (Part 1) Wrecker - Rail & Tie Car - Starting kitbash
SPMW 7021A (Part 2) Wrecker - Rail & Tie Car - New Bulkheads and Rack
SPMW 7021A (Part 3) Wrecker - Rail & Tie Car - Adding Details to Rack
SPMW 7021A (Part 4) Wrecker - Rail & Tie Car - Finishing Plastic Parts & Painting Rack
SPMW 7021A (Part 5) Wrecker - Rail & Tie Car - Installing Running Boards
Modeling a Weird SP Flatcar (Part 1) - SPMW 1791 - 70-ton conversion of F-50-12
Modeling a Weird SP Flatcar (Part 2) - SPMW 1791 - 70-ton conversion of F-50-12
SPMW Scale Test Car & Repair Car (Part 1) SPMW 790 & 438
SPMW Scale Test Car & Repair Car (Part 2) SPMW 790 & 438
SPMW 2257 - Westerfield SP B-50-1/2 (Part 2) Finishing the Body - B-50-1/2/4 History & Roster Info too.
Future Article - SPMW 2257 - Westerfield SP B-50-1/2 (Part 4) Redecalling
SPMW 4049 - Upgrading Walthers 25-Ton Crane
SPMW 7419, CS-25A, A Canteen for a Desert Railroad.
Modeling SPMW cars with Musical Parts (Part 1)
Modeling SPMW cars with Musical Parts (Part 1)
Kitbashing OwlMtModels F-50-Series Flatcars (Part 1) - SPMW 847, SPMW 7021A, PE 3696
Kitbashing OwlMtModels F-50-Series Flatcars (Part 2) - SPMW 847 - Stores Dept Wheelset Car with Bulkheads
Other Caboose Articles
ATSF Santa Fe Cabooses (Part 1) - Steam Era - 1300-class, 1500-class, 1600-2100-class series
Other Freight Car Projects
X31 & X32 Articles - Using Bowser's Cars
X31 & X32 Box Cars (Part 1) - NP, A Correction in Era - These cars went to NP in 1961, which means I need to change my tare dates on the cars... and maybe look for new homes for the cars too, as it is well outside my era by about 10 years.
X31 & X32 Box Cars (Part 4) - PRR X31A from Bowser - General Service XMs with notes on special service and double-door versions of X31A.
X31 & X32 Box Cars (Part 5) - PRR X31B & C from Bowser - Double Door cars in XM and special service.
Open Loads
Future Article - Kitbashing Tichy R-40-2/4 into other common PFE classes.
Express Reefers
Future Article - Modeling PFE Express Reefers of the 1940-1950s (Part 1) - Kitbashing large ice hatch platforms on Athearn and Walthers 50ft wood reefers.
Other Freight Car Articles
UTLX Tank Cars (Part 1) - New Models on the Market - GA Type-17, ACF Type 21 & 27, UT X-3
Modeling UP Gondola (Part 1) Steel Re-sheath - Blanking Composite Sides on RC gondola.
Future Article - Modeling UP Gondola (Part 2) - Re-sanding & Painting - Checking sanding and filling of board grooves, prime painting and re-sanding before final FCR coat is applied.
36ft Fowler Boxcars - NC&StL 15337 (Part 2) Details & Decalling
Modeling Auto-Boxcars (Part 1) - Walthers 50ft Double-Door Single-Sheath Auto-Boxcar - Multiple Railroads offered by Walthers.
Modeling SP Automobile Boxcars (Part 1) - SP 64931, A-50-14 by P2K-Walthers 50ft DD - Also research on All-Steel AAR-style Auto-boxcars
Car Standards - (Part 1) - Weight, Rolling, CG Allowances & Diaphragms - LMRC Car Standards I use on my equipment.
Salt-Mask Weathering - Car roof weathering
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